Monday, November 16, 2009

drunken mermaid

It's been months till I went swimming again.
Hard to endure a sport activity without a partner :p

Felt like a mermaid, though a drunken one.
Got alot of water filled my ears.

Salah satu hari dr program SEVEN :) I love it the most.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I watched this movie twice. Means that I like it. Not to say that this movie got 4 thumbs up like Finding Nemo, UP!, Wall-E, Spirited Away have.

It brings my childhood imagination back :) And the horror just a children horror, no effect for me as if I watch it in my early age.

Love the scenes below.
Hmm not sure that I can just upload on my blog.... Can I?

Courtesy of Laika Entertainment, 2009.

Monday, September 07, 2009

another thing from the past

Attending my best friends' holy matrimony was an event that had been long awaited.
We were all so happy for them. THeir love story has been a such inspirational for me. Especially in this life, in a country and culture that call their self a religious country BUT make things difficult for a couple with different faith to get married!

So, it was really a love celebration, in the purest form for me. They overcame all the challenges that vary! And finally, they made it :)

While me & my friend enjoying the moment, seeing them after all the procession (yes we were so late, we went in just about they were finish), my eyes recognizing a shape. I was overwhelmed to shock!
It cant be her! What is she doing here?
What is she doing there??
The groom looks like know her well???
What .... what....

Later on, i asked the groom. Yap it was HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some one from the past that hard to explain, but has put a mark in the life.

Who is she? Why do you have to be so shock? is so funny, i remember that i never tell anyone bout her. I consider that it was me not her, the problem, n i moved on. I thought so.

She was one of the famous creative directors in Indonesia. Had a looong of list in award winning,yet she held chief positions in advertising agencies. Respective jury. Decades of experiences.

The dark part was, i worked with her but i felt a hindrance approaching her in a nice way. Till now i conclude it as a "chemistry", i didnt have it dealing with her. New experience for me working with a person like her. Many other intern girls (even colleague) had the same feeling with me, it was just me think it profoundly, thinking that what was wrong with me (BAD habit). She even ever scolded me for not being impressive enough (for her), since i was the enthusiasm one to get in the intern.
I was doing fine with the other senior art directors and copywriters in the team. Her, only her in the company....

The positive things i got while working with her are:
I learn her systematic thinking in brainstorming. Brainstorming could be so frustrating. But she, as a creative director from copywriter background, made it systematical.

I learn about a personalized advertising print. She told me about it while making a print ad (iklan cetak). It was like hell while making it. I should catch the brand's personality, brand's guidlines, etc. If u cover the logo of a print ad, can the audience recognize ur ad? It is a good thing to think, i think, though it should prevent you to explore the artwork (layout i m talking here).
It helped me to produce a right style of an artwork when i work for a client.

She asked me to put make up & dress up. Turned out i bought some bodyshop eye shadow & skirt. Stupid! Yup i crushed alot when the time of catching metromini with skirt and 3 cm heel (only). But the moral is, try to think out of the box. She told me i was too strict. I was more to a lawyer than a creative worker. I never heard that especially in the university. Later on i got an email from another sr art director about being more creative, & expounding your habit of creativity.

It is just funny. After these years (4 yr) i just find out that she is one of my best friend's funny.

Many other things in life is just like that also. There were times that this person is that relative. This logo is belong to that person and there always be a story behind a person.
I take it this way. It is all in HIS mighty hand. All things in my life. He can make me to meet a person for a reason, and for my own good. The world is in HIS hand.

another digital water color

So happy, that days ago finally i had the trick from a friend....And it is so simple...
Using photoshop, one filter only, change the blending change. And the rest depend on the brush u use. U can download many types on brush in deviantart. Manage the flow and the brush's dynamic. Photoshop is so powerful :p still....

Most of the brushes used downloaded from brusheezy.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

F1 fever is happening

SOme of my friends told me that the first F1 last year wasn't successful as it's expected. But i saw aloot of tourist coming down to this small city state just for F1! That was including a brother of my best friend.

This year they present more new entertainment to attract more tourist. Not just the rally, the backstreet boys, the chaka khan, the beyonce....hahahaha....30 more days to go.

These one of their campaigns in MRT station at Cityhall.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

corel painter

I fell in love with this software years ago...5 years maybe? Had a chance to use it but it was in my PC & i barely used it for my PC's own save (too old to be heavy laden)

This software comes in the bundle of bamboo fun :) So fun....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

happy ending

Regarding to previous post I really got the happy ending. Let us make it settled (who is us here? mac users lah!) At least i got what i want and still have good thing after all of this turbulence.

As the second guy in apple careline suggested so here is the cronologist of the procedure:
- Bring to apple authorised service center. Means pay 74.90 S$ non refundable fee (just to state that my HD dead n i need to replace the new one! without you i can figure it out myself! Excellent job!)
- Call the apple careline and mention your case/reference number. Ask them to connect you to the customer relation
- Ask them for any dispensation.

Yep. After the trembling voice, all the dissapointment speech, holding the call, waiting, waiting. In that very same line they agreed to replace my dead HD with the new one for free. But I needed to pay the labour fee, for other apple care buyers' sense of justice. (I gave up the argumentation in this area, really, u need to prepare all ur goals - you are the lawyer in the court!)

- 100 S$ for labour fee
- all the data inside the old dead HD is belong to apple
- time, patience in each calling hold and calling goin on

I thank to mac user in indo, zZet, and Sproean fellaw who helped me checking my HD (it is the rubbish seagate!)n him, as usual, still concern to give me place to complain.

This macbook generation really has many flaws, compare to its previous generation, iBook with G4 processor. Check this for your information.

psalm 91

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust."

Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare
and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.
You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.

A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.
You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.
If you make the Most High your dwelling—
even the LORD, who is my refuge-
then no harm will befall you,
no disaster will come near your tent.
For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

"Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life will I satisfy him
and show him my salvation."

Indeed, i will be the strongest human being walk on through this life if this kind of God is mine.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

you are dead

"you and your macbook are meant to be together"

This sentence is written in the very first page of my macbook's mannual book.
I will never forget it.

But hell ... my hardisk dropped dead within 1,5 yrs only. Getting worse since u have to pay the 74.90 sgd for counsulting fee ONLY! Not to mention the recovery data fee (if it can be saved), installation for the softwares, and the new hardisk need to buy.

Steve Jobs, and all the Apple branding marketing crew, you'd better take note of it.
How would u feel if u were in my shoes?

chloe: let us see the happy ending of this case

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

from biyan to davy linggar

Started with a chat in fashion and clothing with my fellaw. She showed me korean n japanese fashion. doyan!

Browsing the bohemian webs. Got to know the history and so on.
Then....biyan...this name was still in my mind.

It was dissapointing to surf in the motion web like that. But then i felt the enjoyment! No wonder if the photographer was Davy Linggar .
For me his art works are so absurd!!!!!!! YET so beautiful!!!!!! I mean i can feel it through the ambience!

If u gave me any images, dunno why, it is easy to guess that it must be his.
His fashion photography is as absurd as he is. Because it is his.
Hmm i miss that fashion or bridal magazine i used to browse in Portrait :p

think family

Tanpa sengaja waktu nongkrong di channel 5 ada video ini.

Pertama ngga tertarik sih, kupikir komersial apa, dan aktrisnya serius banget, tipikal politikus ato whateva. So i just watched the mimics of each characters. Kok mereka ketawa, sesuatu yg menarik pasti. Terus terang ngga nangkep banyak dr dialog nya. Tp di akhir video ada kata2 yg bagus "the imperfection that makes perfect", "beautifully imperfect"

Malam kedua, ketemu lagi video ini dan taktamatin deh dengerinnya.
Kurang lebih skenarionya seperti ini(spoiler!!!):
Dalam suatu acara pemakaman seorang istri maju ke depan utk memberikan pujian terakhir buat suami tercinta yg meninggal. Sang istri adalah seorang Indian dan gampang dikenali dengan baju sari putihnya. Hadirin sudah menanti-nanti. Dan kalimat pertama kelihatannya cukup mengejutkan, krn sang istri bilang dia tidak akan memberikan kata-kata positif spt layaknya dlm pemakaman2. Ekspresi org2 udah rada heran2 gitu, jangan2 sang istri mo ngapain nih.
Istri melanjutkan bahwa dia akan menceritakan sesuatu dr suami yg mgkn tdk akan diungkapkan org2 laen,
sesuatu spt mesin di pagi hari, dan dia dgn elegan dan apa adanya memperagakan. Dan hadirin tertawa. Maksudnya itu adalah suara dengkuran.

Video ini lbh memfokuskan kekuatannya dalam dialog. Tapi bukan berarti audio tak ambil peran, buktinya mimik hadirin turut ambil andil. Yang menarik di bagian akhir video baru ditampilkan foto suami, yg adalah seorang chinese.

Baru....pesan didapat utuh di bagian akhir, ditutup dengan teks "Family" diikuti tanda titik "."
Dan pemasang kampanye.
Think family.

mee lan: yeap, i heard many times that the public service announcement (PSA aka iklan layanan masyarakat) in Spore are very creative compare to commercial one.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Earth hour vs Nyepi

Of coz me and Di definitely would not miss this event. For her whatever it deals with the polar bears as the vulnerable victim caused of global warming, she will be the fisrt in the line. Snow, another flatmate in yishun were joining also.
Me? I wanted to see how "romantic" it would be in this metropolitan city country when its light switched off.

What a surprise. It was not as good as the yahoo reports about that earth hour day. So, i share what it was not written in yahoo.
Apparently we were seated in the park facing exactly the (strucked & recovered) Merlion does. Between the Esplanade at our leftside and Fullerton at our right side. Esplanade only switched off the half durian. The future casino constructions (4-6 buildings if i m not mistaken)still had its megawatt lights. And some buildings still had their lights off. What a mess! It is not "romantic" at all! Ga kompak bener! I dont know whether it is for security matter or others.

Behind us the people with candle lights still amoung all the light the road and some buildings...singing and playing. The band on the stage still with electricity of the soundsystem.

Three of us enjoying our snacks during that 1 hour. For your information Di is indonesian, as i am, Snow is Myanmarese, so we also practising our english which were becoming singlish unrealized and totally unwanted! Damn...

As it wasn't going as i thought for a SWITCHING OFF hour so i may say it is not (yet) successfull. Maybe those people had fun on their own. But what was the contribution given for the earth itself? It cut their bills, maybe. But how much money spent by the comittee for the campaign, how much the residu caused of the candle lights? Is it worth it? I dont think so.

Take a look of Nyepi in Bali.
It really does make big contributions for the earth. Not just 60 minutes, but 24 hours, they switch off all lights, including candles. I m not presenting in numbers and those analytical things. But my Balinese friends are the witnesses. No lights means no lights. Big hugs for Balinese and those who participates !!Though we know some don't do it. But no problem! One island has saved the energy!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I love minimalist design, in everything.
Wedding gown, casual smart outfit, visual design.

But...i realise it, cannot successfully make one design that is stunning yet simple! I couldn't apply that "Less is more". It always seems much like a scrap if i do that. In the other hand the more i put many elements the more i looked nouveau really the best choice...

mee lan: how come....pffff...

Vhat is thisss?

This picture should have been sent to my mom, she would have been very proud.

It is not like what u think. It was a warehouse sale. Initially i have no idea what things need to buy. What made me allergic going into such body/face treatment is they have so many items, so many brands!!! Which one i shud put on, pour on, blaaaah. So ribet!

But my flatmate who was a nerd and never touch this brand especially while she was in jakarta, told me that she bought this and that. This product is for this and that. So i tried the 2 items first on the promotion event (if they held a promotion, u bet, they really save ur wallet!).

Try it on and i become addicted to use this natural (campaigned, if they really control the QC and not using china made material!) products. My flatmate shud have been a brand ambassador anyway.
None of the philosophy against my conscience. Only one thing i dont like is the visual design of them since they're taken over by another major company, it was many years ago.

to Supre: hehehe, gue lbh dahysat skrg jadi cewek nya

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Seputar cuaca

24 feb 09
That evening on my bus to MRT jurong east, i saw that rainbow.
It's been years never saw a rainbow and this one is so obvious, and beautiful :)
Yet it reminds me to Noah's and the new beginning.

Afterward I found that that rainbow quite attracted most of Singaporean. The daily free newspaper report it as unusual thing and wrote about good things may happen on Spore (and everyone say amen). My fellaw in caregroup took the picture whilst he was offshore, so damn pretty man! We can see its both edges. Too bad, I havent met him eversince he showed that pic, so i uploaded these ones. Got from CCIS fellaw.

One taken by anonymous at Woodland. It was a double rainbow man!

Taken by her from her kitchen.

28 Feb 09 Merlion struck by lightning.

Sabtu itu emang hujan lebat, dan bunyi halilintar di mana2, udah biasa :D
Sayang aku ga sempet liat Merlion under construction, kata denni sih lucu Merlion-nya dikurungi.
Bagiku lbh lucu lagi, krn selama 36 th ini tanpa penangkal petir ga perna disambar, br skrg aja disambar. Udah gitu menurut legenda Merlion ini makhluk laut yg jaga singapura dr badai malah kenak samber. Kt 1 tmen mgkn krn dia ga disenengi, makae disamber.
Enjoy the image below, taken from

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Lagi Harimau Mati

It is so sad to read (again) this kinda article Lagi Harimau Mati

Week ago my fren put his status in FB that they will go hunting in Riau.
Killing a tiger, would be a priceless fun entertainment for them. But please....
These wild creatures never harm you if they aren't being harmed.

A male lion can sit peacfully besides you after his lunch, just as long as he is not hungry. But mostly human being, kill living being just for fun. Hunting is for sport they said, not for food. Well can't ya just do seek and hide in a modern way ha, laser quest lah or cleaning your kampong? For me that is so terrible.

See...this beautiful creature...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

How he warms my heart

When I m thinking about this, how I realize that it is him who always initiates first.

Unsighted lady
It was cloudy & sometimes drizzling. I didn't have any idea where to go after about 3 weeks or more waiting for a job interview.

I was quite feeling lame, maybe for many days i didnt talk with any human being. I was walking back to the mall after buying the top up. I opened my umbrella for I need to cross the road.

From afar I could see an unsighted mid aged lady with a younger lady holding her arms. By the time I was exactly beside them, the younger lady ask me politely (& clearly, ga ada basa basi)that they could cross the road with me for I am having my umbrella.

After we reached the mall, and there was stepping ground there, I asked her to be careful whether she was familiar with that place or not. The unsighted lady told me yes she was familiar with that place. And with grateful voice and smile she said thank you miss.

I was the one who thank her actually. I didn't do anything. I was just crossing the street and they wanted to walk with me. Without her help, I would still feeling lame & unconscious about human being.

Waiting uncle
It was a second interview in the same company, same place, at Punggol. So ujung dunia. I took much earlier to get arrive there. Coz in the first time came, i couldn't find the shuttle bus. So I was curious to know where and what kind of the shuttle bus is. I was walking around and around. Where the shuttle bus is going to take the stop? No signage, Zapy told me that it should be in the taxi stand.

Whilst i was walking around, an uncle seemed to have something to say to me. I didn't too much bother, was busy to find out where the shtl bus stop is and thinking bout my interview later lah. Then, he spoke in chinese with me with his eyes on my phone. I was a little bit frightened at first. Was he wanting something from me? What did he want then?

As usual, right away i said: i don't speak chinese, and hoping that he would stop or went away. But he didn't give up. He kept saying, mostly in chinese. Later i got it! He needed to make a call using my mobile and he would pay amount of money, coins, which i didn't to bother bout it, u can use my balance as much as u want, i got plenty at that time.

He pressed the number, I dialed it and handed to him.
Later on we had a little chat. His english wasn't that bad at all! It just he wasn't confidence or comfortable with it. Me either, when i tried to speak in chinese, he didn't get it. I know, i know, something wrong with the tone...i know...
After quite along while, 20 minutes perhaps, a car pulled over, it was his daughter. Cold expression. Didn't she wonder how long her dad had been waiting for her....never mind, they met up already.

Yeah, hey....If he had given up to communicate with me maybe i wouldn't have payed attention at all.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Things u shud know bout GD

Things u shud know bout GD.

This posting I have should written it months ago! Even before I left the photography studio!

I have been learning to put my place in client's side. Sometimes it works to get win-win solutions.

*Rumah desain*
Kalo elu kerja di rumah desain, nama kerennya graphic house, sebagai Grafik Desainer, loe ga ketemu klien langsung. Trutama perusahaan besar, sistemnya dibikin begitu, semakin mengerucut, kalo AE ketemu klien dan bikin brief utk divisi kreatif ya uda sampek matek bikinnya itu. Nda ngurusin produksi, cetak dan tetek bengeknya, ada divisi laen yg spesialisasi ngurusin hal itu.
Jadi dlm tim kecil GD simply bertanggung jawab terhadap team lead nya, yg beken dengan sebutan Art director ato yg lebih senior lagi, Creative Director. Sori, ga pake terjemahan bebasnya, lebih nggilani soale.
Klienmu ya Art Dir ato Creative Dir tadi.
Plus: mereka tau better ttg art dan tau ke mana arah art utk solusi dr brief yg dikasi AE.
Minusnya: Style dan idealisme mereka kadang bertabrakan dan GD terpaksa merana (sbg artis betapa besar pride dan kebanggaan masing2 individu, jika tidak ....tak tau lah)melakukan apa yg sebenarnya bukan seruan hatinya.
Level manager yg plg bawah beneran merana deh, jadi tukang doank. Melakukan revisi2 simple: menggeser font, mengubah warna font, fotocopy, nye-can. Asli nukang!

*Inhouse Grafic Designer*
Posisinya lbh ok lagi. Karena kebanyakan 1 team cuma 1-2 orang. Otomatis dah kerjaan Art dir, Creativ Dir, AE, produksi, smua dirangkap. Produksi mah gampang, lempar ke percetakan ato rumah produksi lainnya.
Sekarang kliennya dr awal sampe mati, kalo perusahaan ga kukut ya company itu!
Plus nya: uda disebut di atas, posisi konsultan bolehlah dipegang, alias menangan.
Minusnya: tergantung varietas kampanye komunikasi company.

Smua ada plus minusnya. Ga ada harga mati.

*Perushaan outsource*
GD ditempatin ke klien2 company.
Saya terjebak dlm komunikasi serba tak jelas di sini! Ada project manager, ada lead designer.
Blm ada org2 teknikal yg bossy dan super detail!
Logonya tadi diminta grayscale, kenapa kau buat biru?
Untuk informasi anda, grayscale bukan berarti grey (abu2)
Sudah saya utarakan ke dia.

Dan hal2 kecil, remeh, ga penting lainnya di-dikte-kan satu persatu. Saya asumsikan karena begitulah mereka, makhluk EKSAK!
Dan sampai skrg saya tak habis pikir gimana win-win solutionnya.
Pen-dikte-an ini membuat saya sebal, lantas 'gila' dan memberontak.
Peraturan lama ttg formal attire pun dipertegas. Benar2 formal, shirt masi bisa dibedakan mana shirt formal dan tidak. Padahal dlm natur saya yg namanya shirt itu yg kerah dan dr katun itu SUDAH CUKUP membuatnya pakaian formal!
Sekarang aturan2 tolol inipun membuat saya hidup dalam dunia serius dan membosankan.
Baru 8 minggu, dan sudah cukup menghantar saya ke level MUAK.