"you and your macbook are meant to be together"
This sentence is written in the very first page of my macbook's mannual book.
I will never forget it.
But hell ... my hardisk dropped dead within 1,5 yrs only. Getting worse since u have to pay the 74.90 sgd for counsulting fee ONLY! Not to mention the recovery data fee (if it can be saved), installation for the softwares, and the new hardisk need to buy.
Steve Jobs, and all the Apple branding marketing crew, you'd better take note of it.
How would u feel if u were in my shoes?
chloe: let us see the happy ending of this case
hahaha... sama kek OS ciptaannya bilget, beli mahal... di install error, tanya kenapa malah suruh bayar :p
Hahahaa. Melok guyu sisan ae aku, speechless.
A fren gave this http://www.appledefects.com/?cat=13
Ayo ngakak sekalian.....
hihi turut berduka cita
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