Its size was about 3 -4 times the common pumpkin around here. Well, but tat's not it. A day before I was wondering where could I buy a pumpkin since I have bought this classical soup recipe! And I never tried a pumpkin soup ever, before! And there it was! Tada!!!
So the next day we had 3 dishes of pumpkin: the chinese with chicken, mine (western soup), and the javanese kolak desert!
My first attempt was pretty successful i guess, the pumpkin was so sweet! Put some milk to tender the taste, which was not in the recipe.
put crunchy bacon on top, it would taste sooo good.
Yes, ma'am! Tq!
But first , have to buy it when I m in Surabaya, lol :p kulakan dulu hahaha
seems deliciouss!!
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