i found n being founded my base community! yay!
Attending a such international community in a local city is quite a unique xperience. Many people gathered up for many reasons.
Para2 ekspat itu mengingatkanku being so homesick.
Para pelajar2 yang kembali setelah bertahun2 menjalani kehidupan di luar sono pasti mengalami culture shock yang luar biasa (terlebih yg lahir baru di negri orang).
Atau bener2 orang lokal kayak aku yg demen ma inggris, yang merasa alien in this hometown (it is boldly written "This english community is open for public atau seorang temen indo yg berharap sekali suatu hari kembali lagi ke US untuk menetap di sana. Dan banyak hal2 lain yang aku sendiri mungkin ga akan pernah tau.
But i believe all of us feel the same way, we feel at home here.
Isnt it an awesome & beautiful thing that he has provided for us around this world?
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