Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fit to the Hits

kata2 sakti dari tante Tamilee Webb : "Before u know it, u are fit!"

U really got to try this workout, so fun and enjoyable!
Cuma sayang yang beredar di surabaya versi VCD dan cuma 2 judul dari serangkaian program fit to the hits.

Introduced and brought to me by pre chan, and we have several fun sessions together, and i will be missing that red helmet alien so much! :p


Pre said...

fun n enjoyable, indeed \:D/

red helmet alien???? >:)

sus said...

hahaha yeenn' entah karena efek cahaya atau apa, itu pergelangan tangan kirimu kok ketokane putul, pake tangan sambungan :))

pyor said...

Hiiih, iya, itu efek cahaya hahaha!

Makhluk aneh dgn kepala besar ber-cat merah, alien kan

Pre said...

iyo tah? tapikir alien iku warnae ijo :)) blum prnah liat alien pake helm merah soale :p biasae, helm itu bikin aku dipanggil power ranger or sharivan :)) klo mereka jelas berhelm merah kan? :D