Friday, March 28, 2008

revisi pe-er TAG

ampun222222 ini takbikin lagi pe-er nya ibuk
.....ampun...m(_ _)m

1. I love sweet things except sweet culinary!! Don't bother to offer me west n midle javanese food!
2. My right back ache if i sit too much or in a wrong position and or i dont do yoga or other excercise for 2 days!!!
3. I started working by myself as a graphic designer fulltimer last feb 08 (Finally after years in the middle of nowhere)
4. They call me eeyore
5. I'm bad at mathematics!!! Anything deal with numberssss!
6. I m the one who always want to dump out myself from traditions (javanese, chinese, christianity) arround me!
7. I love monochrome colors, while the meaning of my chinese name is colorful thing or vibrant thing.
8. I love my dog, Ping2 , though as a dog he has no sense of direction, but he really take care of his cats. They live in a brotherhood!


Carla Chanliau said...

1. You're inconsistent. You LOVE sweet things, BUT sweet culinary. Itu apa bukan sweet things? Aku kok jadi bingung. So how do you define sweet THINGS here?
2. Hahahahaa... Kecil2 udah rematik!
5. Point ini sama point nomor 1 kayaknya tiru2 punyaku deh.
6. Kenapa? I think the diversity is lovely, despite some stupid extremists that make it a reason to have a chaos to enlighten their empty life.
7. =)) Wakakakakakakakakaa. Jadi itu arti nama Cinamu? Ortumu kecewa dong karena kamunya ga terlalu reflect tu nama. Tapi kesukaanmu akan monochrome best describes you, pyor. That's a good point.
8. Like pets like the owner. Hahahahahahaaha

Disclaimer: Walopun comment di atas lumayan merujuk ke kenyataan (walah hahaha), tolong jangan diambil ati. Just for fun...

sus said...

yakin kamu love ping-ping yen'?? kok si ping2 ketokane liat kamu takut ngono, sering mbok seneni paling. Terbukti dia begitu gembira sekali kalau ada tamu datang, selalu disambut dengan gonggongan merdu dan ekor yang dikibas-kibaskan hahaha

Pre said...

lho la, sifat pyor itu lumayan colorful kok. cocok ma chinesse name-nya. contoh: suka sweet things tp ga suka makanan manis. cinta ping2 tp ping2'e dimarahi terus. apa itu nggak colorful namanya? :D

pyor said...

For carla : Lah aku kan ngikutin artikelmu, ben ga kliru maneh, mek ngganti poin2 e:p hahha
ga sakit ati kok La, ma elu ae sakit ati, diguyu ping2:p

For Valen: Wow, cuma u yg make kata merdu utk gonggonane! Makasi lo ya! BIar dia takut ma aku, tetep tak sayang kok!:D termasuk tak potongi kukue ampe berdarah2 hehehehehehe

For Pre: Itu kontradiksi ibuk pre....colorful ya? :|

Unknown said...

gak bikin 100 sekalian yen ?
kaya anak ini :


pyor said...

aku benere ga suka bicara ttg diri sendiri, apalagi di forum luas gini:P

Wah anak itu narsis ya hahaha, bagus2, isa dicontoh =))