Thursday, November 09, 2006

31 tanggal revolusi , walah

9 nov, multiplus klampis
Life teaches me a new lesson. Begitu cepat mns bisa berubah. Jgnkan fisik, dlm hitungan detik ato menit aja keputusan bisa berubah.
He isnt fun again. The fun is over. He is a dictator.
Smua keluhannya sama....anak2 yg lama juga malah kalo dengar cerita mereka.
Ga tau keracunan apa. Stlh libur lebaran seminggu smua brubah. Kebijakan2, doh ujung2 e atmosfer kerja ngga enak.
No body really knows exactly why he is change. Jaga jarak salah satu kendala utama utk cari tau.
Silly, if he does that for getting our respect. Aneh...puol....
Tekanan uang? aduh malese, buyar sungguhan surga yg ada.


Carla Chanliau said...

no such thing as heaven at work. hehehe... welcome to real life, girl.

pyor said...

hmmm yeah..heaven for me means loving my job with all the conflicts inside. I hope i dont lose my spirit to work here, not that soon :p