Wednesday, December 21, 2011

tahu tek, our all time's fave

After somewhat pretty satisfied with western cooking , I dont have any oven -sigh- , I try the simple local dishes. One of them are TAHU TEK. yayyy....

ingridients for the gravy
- petis [ bought the 10 IDR]
- peanut, medium fried
- gralic [1-2 cloves for 2 servings]
- sweet soya sauce [kecap manis]

- by feeling hahaha


minus potato wedge, sliced cucumber n last but not least, KERUPUK

Friday, September 16, 2011

Pasar Bunga Kayoon

The last time I went there was like 11 yrs ago, to buy some fish for our classroom decoration.

It started when our dearly cousin going to have her graduation ceremony. "Ce, jok lupa ya buket bungae " (Sister, don't forget to bring me a hand bouquet of flower (too)) . What a lovely request. I never had one to give. And couple of weeks ago she bought a bouquet of red roses for her mom's birthday. So I would find one easily in Kayoon. At least I thought so.

The first two things I faced to decide is :
1. Do you want a local rose or imported rose.
The imported roses are almost 7 times more expensive. Yet you have to wait like 3-5 days to get it.

2. What kind of flowers you wanna put in together.
It leads me to , okay, what kinda color I wanna have. I know "less is more" , and my cousin will like it, the less color u have the more elegant it can be :) Most of the merchants have a cheesy kinda taste, the more the merrier they think. So, they don't really helpful in picking what flower would be, it is your calling!

We strolled from side to side, front to back. Just to get the reasonable price with lovelier flower. So....I decided to make 2 bouquets rather than 1 huge bouquet.

What I hate about market is, some merchant took time before they spoke out the price. Obviously they  read you first. If that's the case, usually I wouldn't buy their product. They were hiding something. I don't wanna be a fool victim just because I don't know the price and it was just an occasion.The last shop we made a deal, was pretty nice. Nice owner, he knows what he does n he loves his job.

I m so proud of my choices ^^ Yet  with Surabaya's climate, these flowers only lasted like hours...I did try to put on the aircon and some water to prevent them...buhuuu. Then I know why though these natural flowers not as expensive as I thought, people tend to choose plastic ones.

I love this is one of Gerbaras
White n peach roses with violet accentuation n blue wrap! Color of her faculty :)

Friday, August 12, 2011

fasting month & santa claus

In this fasting month,the boss (who isnt a moslem) held the event of giving out rice boxes to the kaum dhuafa, for instance the street children on traffic lights!
I gotta help her since she is busy running her errands here and there. I bet the rice boxes were a lot.

Suddenly I feel like a santa claus. Giving away the blessings whenever we caught by the red light. I feel so WRONG by doing this. Because I am all for the law that forbids to give to the beggars & street children. There is a legal law for it! And I m all for it! Come on, in this abundant country there a lot more important things than begging around unless u r disabled person! Unless the government has ratified (again) this law!

Doing it on fasting month for some brothers n sisters may seem a good deed. It is no different in other occasion, for example Chinese new year and Christmas. They use it for an excuse to do good deeds.

What I m trying to say is:
- good deeds without a wisdom can make u a hypocrite and failure of long term disciplinarian.
- if u really wanna do good deed why wait till special occasion?

Monday, June 06, 2011

sandal ipanema ke -2 ku!

Setelah tertunda nyaris setahun...yah di Indo aku ga perlu jalan jauh ke mana2....hiking pun nyaris tak pernah.... Dan setelah 2 sandal protol krn uda waktu pensiun....maka...belilah sayaaa sandal tersayang yg paling yahud dipake jalan berjam-jam. Dah terbukti utk berjalan jauh di hutan semen Singapura dan di taman nasional manapun ku pergi, dia setia menemani n membuat kakiku gembira!!!!!

Terakhir di seluruh Singapura udah nyaris tak ada HUUUUUUUU maka terpaksa dah beli di Xogo...dgn ukuran untung ada! tp warna ya udah deh, tersedia putih, hitam dan ungu. Hitam uda jd pilihan di sandal pertama....Putih, bukan ide bagus sama sekali...Ungu....OK lah....warna kerajaan (bukan warna janda!!!)! hihihi
Mari berpetualang lageee !!!!!! Hidup jalan kaki!!!!

149.000 IDR (utang spupu 50K Idr wakakaka demi.....)

Friday, April 15, 2011

bolognaise ala AKU

spageti & anggur
Antara sarapan pagi dan siang. Hasilnya, perut hanya muat separuh porsi.
- margarin utk smua, ga ada olive oil, bangkrut n ga ada yg jual di Pare
- Setumplek merica, pabriknya minta dituntut , bikin lobang segede gaban sekali tuang jd setumplek! grrrr
- bwg putih, bombai, oregano produksi lokal
- tomat lokal nan asam, bah! Cocok utk sambal haruse.
- gula utk ngusir tuh asem, royco (pengganti vetsin, argh!)
- sosis sozzisssss
- keju Kraft singles (sisa garek tiga prapat)